Welcome to The Inherent Parent Coach! After nearly 20 years as a child therapist (LCSW, RPT-S) I’ve combined all my favorite tips, tricks, and info into easy e-courses for parents. Please take a moment to look around, and let me know if you have any questions. All courses have a 24 hour money-back guarantee, so there is no risk. Check one out and if you don’t find the information helpful, send me an email for a full refund. No questions asked.

Positive Parenting for Behavior Change contains 8 chapters:

  1. Addressing Behaviors

  2. Understanding the functions of behavior

  3. Practicing behaviors we want to see

  4. Introducing new skills

  5. Connecting with kids

  6. Reducing power struggles

  7. Emotional regulation

  8. Teaching a growth mindset

  9. Bonus: extensive workbook of cheat sheets and templates so you can get started today

Total investment is $249. This is approximately 8 therapy sessions’ worth of information (a $1,000 value).

Talking to Kids About Sex and Safety contains 11 chapters:

  1. Foundations

  2. Healthy Sexual Development (by age)

  3. The Talk(s)

  4. Sex, Gender, Sexuality

  5. Sex Education

  6. Messages in the Media

  7. Sexual Abuse Prevention

  8. Sex Trafficking

  9. Pornography

  10. Problem Sexual Behavior

  11. Consent and the Law

  12. Bonus: Frequently Asked Questions

  13. Bonus: Resources

  14. Bonus: Content Calendar, Sex Topic Checklist, Different Values Template, Difficult Conversation Template

Total investment is $249. This is approximately 10 therapy sessions’ worth of information (a $1250 value).

My Child Saw Porn: Now What? contains one chapter that covers how to talk about your child seeing something sexual online, sharing your family’s values around what they saw, and what to do moving forward. It also contains templates for what language to use, and a tip sheet about discovering your values if you aren’t sure.

Total investment: $40. This course contains approximately one therapy session worth of information (a $125 value).

Supporting Your Anxious Child contains one chapter that covers how to talk to kids about anxiety, when to seek additional help and support, strategies for helping your child with their anxiety, and additional reading/resources.

Total investment: $40. This course contains approximately one therapy session worth of information (a $125 value).

Teaching emotional regulation is the content from chapter 7 in Positive Parenting for Behavior Change. This course is a good fit for parents who want to support their child’s emotional regulation at home, but maybe don’t need the whole behavior course. It contains strategies for teaching emotional regulation to kids.

Total investment: $40. This course contains approximately one therapy session worth of information (a $125 value).

One Week to Less Yelling contains 5 brief videos with strategies for parents who would like to yell less at home. These videos were originally part of a live One Week to Less Yelling e-course on facebook.

Total investment: $0. There’s no catch, it’s free. Maybe if you like this mini course you’ll purchase another course.
